Sunday, May 13, 2012

More on the iPad

I haven't posted in a few weeks, we have all been busy, the big guy especially, so I thought I'd post again about the iPad.

I talked before about game apps the big guy has played, and I'll talk more about them later because I think they help so much with fine motor control, but I really want to post about how he behaves with the iPad now.

The big guy has about 16 or 18 apps to help him learn. Apps matching sounds to letters and letters to letters, apps tracing letters, color matching apps and apps for communication. All of them are very helpful and easy for him to use because the objects on them are nice and big. Here's the thing though, he plays what he wants, and we cannot force him to do anything he doesn't want to do because he knows exactly how to control this amazing device.

You should see when he first gets it, it’s totally cute. He knows the pass code to unlock the iPad, we don't have to open it for him, and if the little guy wants to play we have to unlock it. When he opens it, he says the code while he's typing it in, and it is awesome to hear him say the numbers because he says them so cute. When we sent him to school with the iPad his teacher sent mom a text asking her for the pass code to unlock the iPad. It was funny because mom didn't tell her the code; she sent a text back to the effect of "did you ask him? He knows what it is" and his teacher sent one back along the lines of "we didn't even think of that". Needless to say, he taught someone something that day.

Most days when he gets home he will get the iPad, and he decides what he wants to do. Some days he plays Where's my Water, other days he wants to play Plants vs. Zombies, but other days he will play an app about numbers. This app, I'm sorry but I don't remember the name of it, is all about putting an item in the right place. The app gives the option of using shapes, numbers letters and a few other items I can't remember. I have tried to have him use some of the other items, but he likes the numbers for some reason. The numbers are moved along on a little train on the screen, and one of the numbers is missing. At the bottom of the screen he is given an option of three different numbers to fit in the spot. He always gets it right, and that's awesome.

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